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To buy or sell cryptocurrency, visit our P2P profile or contact us directly for OTC trading. Choose an advertisement, specify the amount, and complete the transaction as per the instructions.
Fiat currency is any national currency, such as USD, EUR, PLN and so on.
KYC (Know Your Customer) is a process that verifies the identity of a user to ensure compliance with legal and regulatory requirements.
We request additional verification for security, AML/KYC compliance and fraud prevention. This is necessary to protect your account and comply with legal requirements.
We take the security of your personal information very seriously. We partner with SumSub, a reputable verification platform, to encrypt and protect your data with advanced security measures. Only authorized personnel have access to your information, and we comply with all data protection laws to ensure your privacy is maintained.
AML (Anti-Money Laundering) refers to laws and regulations designed to prevent illegal money transactions, including funding terrorism and laundering profits from crime.
OTC trading (Over-The-Counter trading) is over-the-counter trading, in which the buying and selling of cryptocurrencies takes place directly between participants, without the involvement of centralised exchanges.
Trading with unauthorised exchanges carries the risk of loss of funds, fraud and blocked transactions by banks. These platforms may violate laws, collaborate with illegal schemes and fail to protect your data and funds.